Addictions Foundation of Manitoba - Main Portage La Prairie Office
Address: 205-9 Saskatchewan Avenue West, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 3J9
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1160, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J9
Phone: 204-857-8353
Manitoba Addiction Helpline: 1-855-662-6605
Services: Provides community-based treatment for youth and adults, school-based services, family services, and prevention activities.
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba - Compass Youth Live-In Program
Address: 175 Nomad Street, Southport, MB, R0H 1N1
Phone: 204-428-6600
Intake Direct: 204-428-6622
Website: services/for youth/compass-in house-youth program/
Services: : Compass is an up to eight week voluntary live in program for young people 13-18 years old (with consideration for up to 21) who have problems with their use of alcohol or other drugs. Services are client centered and a young person’s treatment plan, including the length of their stay and focus is based on their individual needs. Program components include assessment, individual and group counselling, academic programming, recreation and leisure as well as health education and counselling. Youth have access to medical services and the support of a multi disciplinary staff team that includes counsellors, nursing, a learning coordinator, and 24/7 support from Youth Care Workers.
Canadian Mental Health Association - Central Region
Address: 102 1st Street North West, Portage la Prairie MB, R1N 1Y9
Phone: 204-239-6590
Services: CMHA provides mental health support services ranging from Peer/Self-Help Initiatives, Housing, Recovery and Well-being Education, and Drop in support. They offer guidance in finding help and understanding mental health. Some of their programs include: Community Wellness Initiative, Fisher Apartments, Portable Housing Benefit, Thrive Learning Centre, Senior Supported Group Living, Supported Housing, $3.00 hot breakfast on Friday mornings. A Support Directory is available on their website with links, emails and phone numbers of other helpful and important organizations and branches.
Address: 442 Scotia Street, Winnipeg, MB, R2V 1X4
Phone: 204-338-7971
Youth Addictions Centralized Intake: 1-877-710-3999
Services: Marymound provides residential services like group homes, independent living and treatment foster care. They also provide clinical services for crisis stabilization, youth addictions, outreach and sexual traumas. For more information visit their website, call or email.
RAAM Clinic (Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine)
Address: 159 5th Street South East, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 1H4
Phone: 204-239-8800
Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-3pm
Services: RAAM is a walk-in clinic for adults 18+ looking to get help with high risk substance use and addiction.
Resource Assistance for Youth (RAY)
Address: 125 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2B5
Phone: 204-783-5617
Services: RAY helps with immediate needs like street outreach, drop-in: warm meals, advocacy and basic needs (clothing, showers, laundry, etc.) Housing Needs like eviction prevention & rapid rehousing, transitional housing and permanent housing. Health & Wellness Needs like mental health supports, addictions support (counselling, referrals to treatment, etc) and drop-in health clinics. Employment & Education Needs like growing opportunities program (resumes, job search, etc), paid training programs and life skills workshops.