Small Grants
PCRC's Small Grants Program
The Portage la Prairie Community Revitalization Corporation (PCRC) offers the Small Grants Program to support projects, programming, events, or initiatives within the City of Portage la Prairie that enhance the strength and cohesion of the community.
This program is made possible with funding by the Province of Manitoba Municipal Relations – Building Sustainable Communities.
More information on this program can be found at https://www.gov.mb.ca/grants/faqs-bscp.html
Previous Recipients
Portage Collegiate Institute - PCI Community Basketball Court Update
Prairie Fusion Arts and Entertainment - Mental Health Art Exhibit
Big Brothers Big Sisters - Go Girls Healthy Body and Minds
Yellowquill School - Basketball Courts
Crecentview School - CVS Playground Improvement
Family Resource Centre - Summer Programs
Portage Bear Clan - Sept 30 Truth and Reconciliation Gathering
Portage Learning and Literacy Centre - Summer Youth Engagement
Portage la Prairie Local Immigration Partnership - Diwali
Sunset Palliative Care - Dinner of Hope
Portage la Priaire Legion Branch #65 - Remembrance Day Luncheon
Reaching Home - Meeting with Meals
Portage Regional Economic Development PRED - Socio Economic Impact Assessment
Prairie Fusion Arts and Entertainment - PFAE Open House
Soup Kitchen - Post Holiday Lunch
Family Resource Centre - Community Training
Westend Day Care - Tipi Renewal
Sunset Pallative Care Inc - Christmas Dinner of Hope 2022
Portage Service for Seniors - Increase Awareness
Portage Collegiate Institute - PCI Summer Garden
Prairie Harbour (Family Abuse Prevention Centre) - Staffing for Youth
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Plains, Inc - BBBS Activity Kits
Wawokiya - Youth Mental Health Summit
Youth For Christ - Christmas Pool Party
Community Foundation of Portage and District - Technology Update
Holiday Avenue Project - Project Supplies
Reaching Home - Meals for Meetings
Community Building Youth Futures - Job Fair and Conference
Prairie Fusion Arts & Entertainment - Healing and Resilience Garden
Portage la Prairie Bear Clan - Tech Support and Short-Term Staff
Portage la Prairie Lion's Club - Lions Bench Project
Sunset Pallative - Care rooms
Big Brothers Big Sisters - Supplies
Portage Friendship Centre - Igniting Hope Through Moccasins Project.
Portage Ukranian Nursery School - Beautify our space for children
Herman Prior Activity Centre - Recreational Opportunities and Program Development
Family Abuse Prevention Centre - Let’s Get Fit
Family Resource Centre - FRC Christmas
Family Resource Centre - FRC Covid safety
Family Resource Centre - Program Expansion
Portage la Prairie Regional Library - Library Covid Safety
Portage la Prairie School District - PLPSD Project Transport
Portage Collegiate Institute - Ikwe Wacasa
Portage Collegiate Institute - Student Re-Engagement
Prairie Fusion Art and Entertainment - PFAE Computer Upgrade
Community Foundation - Complete a Community Assessment
Ecole Arthur Meighen - Lunch Program
Communities in Bloom - Portage La Prairie Cenotaph Site Benches
PCI - Student Re-Engagement
PCI - Video Technology Program
PCI - Video Production
Prairie Fusion Arts and Entertainment - Entry Door System
Portage la Prairie School Division - Empowering Summer Program
Portage Learning and Literacy Centre - Summer Youth Engagement Program
Yellowquill school - Family room
Community Food Matters - Farm Dollars Program
Portage Regional Recreation Authority - Summer Day Camp Supplies
Ecole Crescentview – Playground Improvements
ROK Central Inc.– Summer Student
Sunset Palliative Care – 3rd Palliative Care Room
Portage la Prairie School Division – Food Programs
North Memorial School – Community Feast Gathering
Portage la Prairie Community Revitalization Corporation – Portage la Prairie Bear Clan
Whoop & Hollar – Open Mike & Jam Night
Portage la Prairie Library – Programming Costs
Portage Urban Indigenous People’s Coalition – Tee Pee
Portage Regional Recreation Authority – Splash & Play
ROK Central Inc.– Nothside Summer Camp
North Memorial School – A Community Kitchen
Portage la Prairie School Division – Food Programs
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Portage la Prairie – Sustainability Funding
Portage Regional Recreation Authority – Splash & Play
Portage la Prairie Tool Library – Community Shed Exploration Day
Sunset Palliative Care – Christmas Dinner of Hope
Tupper Family Resource Centre – Computer Updating & the 5 Assets of Community Sustainability
Li’l Gym – Equipment Revitalization
The William Glesby Centre – Theatre Program
Portage Industrial Exhibition Association – Pollinator Gardens
ROK Central Inc. Outdoor Space at 11thSt. Community Connections Outreach Centre
Sunset Palliative Care – Christmas Dinner of Hope
Manitoba Metis Federation – Healthy Cooking
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Portage la Prairie – Motivational Interviewing & Training
Portage la Prairie School Division – Food Programs
Youth for Christ – BBQ Enhancement
Centennial Community Club Inc. – Equipment Purchase
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Portage la Prairie – Tent & Teaching
La Verendrye School – Family Resource Centre
Koko Platz Recreation Club – Playground Campaign
Community Food Matters – Community Cooler Installation
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of projects will be considered for the Small Grants Program?
All projects should demonstrate support of local residents. Projects should fit into one of the following categories.
Examples provided are to give ideas of the types of projects that could fit under each category but are in no way meant to limit the type of project that may be applied for:
Community Building:
Projects to build relationships and engagement within a neighbourhood or the city between residents of all ages, cultures, income levels and backgrounds – examples include: Block parties, BBQs, festivals, cultural fairs, cultural education programs, anti-racism, youth leadership programs, etc.
Affordable Recreation and Leisure:
Projects that provide affordable recreational opportunities and/or the development of physical spaces with a focus on the needs of lower income families and youth – examples include: After school programs, park development, play equipment, activities targeted for youth and young adults, etc.
Beautification and Community Pride:
Projects that build citizen responsibility for beautification by engaging residents, businesses and organizations in beautifying properties, greenspaces, and streets and promote pride in our community – examples include: Neighbourhood clean ups, “how to” workshops, mentoring young people on being good citizens, public art projects, etc.
Building Economic Security:
Projects that link lower income residents with activities to improve their well- being and economic situation – examples include: Life skills workshops, food Co-ops, community gardens, employment training programs, home repair workshops, etc.
Safe Neighbourhoods:
Projects to increase a feeling of safety in a neighbourhood – examples include: Community clean ups, graffiti removal, safety audits, etc.
Capacity Building:
Opportunities for neighbourhood groups and organizations to build skills and access resources or information to collaboratively create community change – examples include: Board, staff or volunteer development, community needs studies, etc.
How much funding is available?
Grants are available up to a maximum of $5000.
Projects must demonstrate community support, as well as other funding sources, donations or volunteer time where possible. One day events may be granted up to a maximum of $2500.
For projects to be awarded a grant for more than $2,000 multiple sources of funding or partnerships must be demonstrated and the project will provide a major impact to the community. Funding is limited, so please apply early.
The program runs from June 7th 2024 to March 31st 2025.
Who can apply?
Local groups or organizations in the City of Portage la Prairie, whether incorporated or unincorporated, may apply for grants. This includes non-profit organizations, parent councils, neighborhood associations, and service groups. Individuals are not eligible.
What types of costs are eligible?
Eligible costs include:
Project supplies / equipment, venue rental, advertising, food and beverages.
Honoraria (single payment or material compensation for contribution to an event – eg. artist to facilitate an art workshop). Salaries are not eligible.
Short-term wages (eg. summer student employment for youth recreation project).
Costs that are not eligible include:
On-going operating costs or wages.
Capital improvements to public or private facilities, unless the property is available free of charge for
community use and the improvements impact the larger community.
Revenue generating events (ie: fundraising through ticket sales).
Payments of stipends (ie: money or material compensation, prizes) for participating in a project.
Costs incurred prior to approval of the Revitalize Portage! grant.
G.S.T. will not be covered.
When are Applications due?
Applications will be accepted twice this year: June 7th & October 1st (or first business day after a weekend or holiday). Applications should be submitted at least 45 days prior to the start date of the project to allow time for review and approval.
No costs incurred prior to approval will be eligible. Applicants are encouraged to contact the PCRC office for any assistance and to review of the application prior to submission. The program runs from June 7th to March 31st. Funding is limited, so please apply early.
*NOTE* Funding for the same project may be considered for up to 3 years, providing the request continues to fit the criteria and goals of the Small Grants Program.
How are grants paid?
Grants are paid to the community organization or group, after a signed Letter of Understanding has been submitted to the PCRC. For projects less than $1500, the entire amount is paid upon signing. For projects greater than $1500, a partial cheque is advanced, with the remainder being issued upon submission of a financial statement showing the expenditure of the first portion of the grant.
Upon completion of the project, all applicants must provide a final report including an evaluation, photos, and a final financial statement with receipts proving the expenditure of the total grant on eligible costs.
Projects must be completed by March 1st of the project year. Any project money not spent prior to this date must be returned to the PCRC.